Car Insurance – don’t let them get away with it

My insurance broker

I implore you to check your insurance premiums very, very carefully when they are due for renewal.  Whatever your insurance company offers, ring a few other people and mercilessly play them off against each other until you get a sensible quote.

My car insurance is up for renewal tomorrow.  I am currently insured with the AA and I get a special deal on AA Breakdown into the bargain.  I have been insuring my car and home contents with them for years but, come renewal time,  no quarter is given.  Apart from the fact that I am sick to death of the AA apparently having a long, long checklist of reasons why they can’t come and rescue me when I break down, I considered defecting to the RAC after the fantastic service I received when I was recently involved in an accident.

I received two unsolicited quotes from the AA in the post, the first on 27th October for £533, the second on 8th November for £589, both for the same policy specifications.  When I rang them they assured me that the absolute lowest they could go was £500.  So I rang the RAC, and obtained a quote for £478.  I immediately rang the AA back and, magically, they were able to offer me £478.

All insurers are thieving scumbags who take your money and make every excuse in the book not to pay out when you need them.  In the unlikely event that they do pay out, you are required to meet them at a crossroads in a lonely spot, where you both play the banjo and your soul is handed over to the devil.

I am a great believer in haggling, ducking and diving.  I bob and weave.  I lift and separate.  I haggle at book fairs, antique fairs and market stalls and I even attempt it in ordinary shops.  I managed to get a pair of shoes from Brantano  for £10 less than the sale price because it was the last pair “and you can never sell the last pair…”.  I managed to get £200 off a petrol lawnmower by playing three local companies off against one another until they broke down sobbing with tiny drops of blood oozing from their ears.  Whenever I go into the shop now, it’s like a ghost town with tiny sounds of scuffling coming from the stock room.

The insurance companies will rip you off if you don’t keep your wits about you and tradespeople will always charge the highest price they can get away with.  Just remember that insurance is  betting under another name.   Pull yourself up to your full height, take a deep breath and start haggling, do a deal, strike a pose.  You’ve nothing to lose.


Filed under Community and shopping

9 responses to “Car Insurance – don’t let them get away with it

  1. joy

    Since my full height is 5ft 2ins I’ll take some steps with me to make a bigger impression!

  2. Bunty

    Have you tried the “Compare the Meerkat” and other price comparison sites? Every year I manage to find an insurance company that will offer a lower rate, when whichever company I am with will not budge on their renewal figure. Loyalty to (or from) insurance companies doen’t seem to count for anything these days.

    • Morag

      I’m fascinated by the “benefit” that Direct Line touts in their ads, that they are NOT on any comparison website. Err, I’ll check you out guys, but won’t assume you’re the best choice just from your glossy advert, if you don’t mind.

  3. Morag

    I imagine the local tradespeople start whimpering whenever they hear that you are on your way, WH! 🙂 Quite right too.

    I’m afraid, being very British, I’m not good at haggling, but I DO always check my insurance each renewal time. It drives me mad that they operate the “we were best last time, so don’t bother checking this time, even though we’ve increased your premium by £100” game. And of course, they forget that the idea of insurance is so that they pay out if you have a problem. Raking through the fine print to find some way to weasel out is disgusting behaviour.

  4. I just switched to the AA. It was the cheapest after hunting through all the comparison sites. Two thirds of the price from the Post Office who had upped my premium hugely mid-year when I switched my car to one in a lower insurance group.
    I just hope I never have to call them out!

  5. All insurance is the same gamble. You are betting that you will win, they are betting that you will not and you are hoping they win. Not my kind of game.
    Modern insurance company goals are: get all of your money and give none of it back.

  6. Well done! too many people just accept the price presented or at best just perform a cursory internet search instead of following your time honoured haggling route.

  7. david

    I don’t hold out much hope for the future of your local High Street if you are paring their margins down to the bone. They have to eat, too.

    Insurance companies are another matter grrrrrr.

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